Neváhaj a zver sa do rúk profesionálnych inštruktorov spoločnosti FATRA SKI. Vďaka našim inštruktorom sa naučíš všetko správne, bez zlozvykov a úrazov.Výuka vo FATRA SKI vychádza z overenej rakúskej metodiky. Mimoriadna pozornosť sa venuje práve najmladším lyžiarom. Základom pri výučbe detí je, aby ich lyžovanie bavilo a nenudili sa. Inštruktori využívajú bezpečný a upravený detský svah a rôzne pomôcky, ktoré výluku nielen uľahčia, ale aj urýchlia a spríjemnia.

Instructors for children and adults

Ski school

Do not hesitate and entrust yourself to the professional FATRA SKI instructors. Thanks to them, you will learn everything correctly, without bad habits.

Lessons at FATRA SKI are based on proven Austrian methodology. Particular attention is paid to the youngest skiers. The basis for teaching children is that they enjoy skiing and do not get bored. The instructors use a safe and well-maintained children's slope and various aids that not only make the lesson easier, but also faster and more enjoyable.

Price list

Number of persons 1 Number of persons 2 Number of persons 3
1 hour 35 € 25 € 20 €
2 hours 30 € 23 € 18 €
  • the price is per person and lesson
  • the length of the lesson is: 50 minutes
  • for organized groups, a discount is provided according to the agreement

You can find the instructors at the Winter Park Martinky ski resort at the lower station of lift B – Recreation in the back part of the Chata Dvojka building. For reservations, prices and information, contact us via the form or call the number: +421 907 202 396.

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    Resort OPEN

    1 / 6

      Lifts and cableways
    snehove podmienky

    55 CM

      Snow depth


      Controlled transport


      Two-way transport
    snehove retaze


      Snow chains

    3 °C

    rychlost vetra

    8 M/S

      Wind speed

